Virtual Education Summit Speaker Details:

Pat Quinn
Author and Speaker
Pat Quinn is a nationally recognized keynote speaker, consultant and author. Known as “The RTI Guy”, Pat Quinn has shaped how an entire generation of schools offer help to struggling and disadvantaged students. As a school leader, Mr. Quinn showed the power of inclusiveness and full engagement. As a teacher, he offered hope and encouragement in the midst of chaos. As a presenter, there is no doubt why Pat Quinn has been called “America’s Best Teacher Trainer!” Mr. Quinn is the author of three books including Maximum Tier One: Improving Full Class Instruction and the bestselling How to Parent a Genius. Pat lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with his wife Pam and their two daughters.
Instructional Strategies that Work!
There are small changes any teacher can make to their instructional techniques that will greatly increase the amount of learning that takes place in their classroom. This session is LOADED with simple strategies ANY teacher can implement immediately… and all of them are based on the latest cognitive research on how the human brain learns! Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from one of America’s best teacher trainers… Pat Quinn!