Virtual Education Summit Speaker Details:

Dr. Brenda Montecalvo

Dr. Brenda Montecalvo is a mom, wife, optometrist, award winning international speaker, and the author of the best selling book Visual Secrets for School Success. She teaches her patients how to use their visual skills to improve all aspects of their performance on the job, the playing field and at school. She conducts retreat seminars and workshops at her farm in Cedarville, Ohio, and presents vision-related virtual seminars to worldwide audiences. She uses her vast knowledge of vision to help people of all ages improve their visual learning skills so they have more time for fun, friends, family, and future goals. She inspires her patients to see more and acquire Better Vision, so they can be & do more for a Better Life, allowing them to give more to create a Better World.

Visual Secrets for Reading

Dr. Montecalvo discusses six steps to make reading more fun. These steps are proper reading posture, building vocabulary, silent reading, interesting material, reading upside down, and describing the characters and story plot in detail. 

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