Virtual Education Summit Speaker Details:

Mike Myers


My love of learning, growth, and people can be traced back to earlier days of working on cars, home improvement, and community service opportunities. Those values led to a career in education where I serve as both a Reading Specialist in the Dublin City School District (OH) and the founder of Talents Literacy LLC. Both roles express my values through teacher training, student tutoring, and literacy consulting regarding Dyslexia’s impact on learning.

The Struggling Math Learner: What to do and Why to do it.

Teaching for growth is second-nature for any educator. But what about for a struggling learner? In my work involving Dyslexia, my students often share problems with math. In other words, they have Dyscalculia as well. Through our learning, I want to share why these learners struggle, what you need to know about it, and how you could help. Want to know more when time’s up? I’ll show you where you can take that deep dive.

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